Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Another game

    So after  my first game with Quadrant 13 i was keen to try again, this time with bigger forces. On the 8th February I again had a free morning so ran through the same scenario again, but this time I added a second platoon to the colonial defense force. I used the same enemy generator from Platoon Forward for the mercenaries, so this should increase their force size in line with the defenders.
    I'm not going to give an in depth AAR, it was three weeks ago after all, but suffice to say Quadrant 13 is definitely a company sized game. The card activation is still great, the combat is believable, but you really need at least two platoons to play. In my previous game once a card was drawn for a platoon they were able to shut down an enemy platoon (given average dice) for the turn. having a second platoon meant you had to worry what those other guys were going to do.
    I didn't play the game through to a conclusion, but totally thumbs up for a hard sci-fi company sized game. But whats the problem? well I want to play platoon and smaller too. In an ideal world Too Fat Lardies would have published Coc in Space and i could use that, but they haven't, yet. I did consider converting it, but  knew i just don't have the time, so what to do?
   Try Gruntz, sounds too gamey, I downloaded Fast and dirty, it looked good but couldn't quite get it, write my own system, yeah riight! So here I am back again with tomorrow's war/Force on force, i know there is a good game here somewhere, and I'm gonna make it work. so that's where I am now, re reading tomorrow's war and planning out one more game of it, as soon as I'm done I'll be back.

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