Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The Background

As I said in my introduction I have lifted my basic background from Tomorrows war;

The Year is 2302, since the discovery of gate projection technology in 2065 man has been exploring the stars. With the discovery in 2099 of the garden world Grissom ownership of colony worlds is called into question. The US claims Grissom, Brazil and the PRC claim off world colonies should belong to all, leading to the Grissom War. the discovery in 2101 of Zhaung by the PRC change their position somewhat....

The world is split along first and third world lines, The Organization of Progressive States (OPS) is formed by the US, the EU, Australia, Canada, japan, Mexico, Russia, Central African Union and others. This is challenged and opposed by the New Economic Union (NEU) of Pakistan, India, Serbian republic and the South American nations lead by Brazil. The Peoples Republic of China try to stay aloof. The Union of Islamic Theocracies (UIT) stand opposed to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and OPS members from south east Asia.

Russia has returned to it's Imperialist past, with a civilian government head "Czar" leading a rampant exploitation of colonies to enrich the population back on Earth. this two tier class system led to it's own problems and history repeating itself, with the revolt on Moscova of the Neo-Soviet Federation (NSDF).
The NSF now consists of four worlds, Moscova, a borderline garden world and the marginal colonies of New Stalingrad, Kirov and Maxim Gorky.

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